28th June 2019


This story starts with a prison, a man known as 775 and a wish.
I have only watched the man twice over his story, the first time at school and the second time at prison. His story is one of determination and courage, it is littered with danger and knowledge.

You might now be wondering how I met this man twice but know his entire story. Well its because I drive everything, seen but unknown, watched but undefined.

This story starts where many do, school. However this school radicalised and turned young innocent kids into hatred filled men. The school taught its students how to do everything that I hate about the human race, to hate, greed and to not care for their surroundings. Andrew as he was known then believed in the opposite of what was being told to him. He thought that everyone should be included and that we should share and ration the resources from the planet. He however kept those beliefs to himself and continued to learn how to kill and maim. This continued for 5 years, I passed him slowly, forcing me to notice him for the first time, as he dragged out his days. At the end of 5 years he was released and he slipped my notice until one year later when he was in jail again dragging out his days, again making me look at him. I then wondered what caused him to end up in a high security prison. Looking into his past I found this.

I walked out of that god forsaken place, not that they think that. They think the opposite, that it is blessed ground. If there is one thing that I have learnt in the last 5 years it is that, we shouldn’t hate those of differing beliefs like they do.

“Oi, get on the bus.”

Well, it looks like I haven’t got as far way from this as I thought. I now have to go shoot some people of differing beliefs. I won’t claim to be some angel because I’m not, I ended up in a terror school after all. However it seems like just killing and terrorising everyone with different views is a good way of being found and tortured by people with higher morals . Well, I’m being sent off to do maybe end up just like that.

When we finally reached the front, it was like nothing like what I expected, especially on the side I was on. I was expecting a couple grumpy men crouched amongst the rubble of several buildings, but what I found was a highly structured and cohesive camp of good-natured people with good tech. The whole camp was hidden amongst several collapsed buildings and was designed to look old and dusty to the careless onlooker. For the first few seconds of being there I almost thought that I’d managed up in the american camp, that was right up until I was told not in English to move my ass to the registration tent. I realised on the way to the tent I was pointed at, that they were try to keep the pretence that they weren’t organised and highly trained, that we were just another extremist group. It was amazing and it was working. We were being over looked and under estimated, meaning that at the moment we were wining. Sort of, as much as someone can win against a superpower in their own element.

From that day onward, I followed a daily routine. I would wake when told, then shovel food down because they wanted us out there shooting. Then go out and purposely miss the enemy. I missed only because I thought that the entire offensive was a waste of lives on both sides, the missing however was not returned, often hitting to close for comfort. I would then go back to sleep and repeat. This continued for what felt like years but couldn’t have been longer than 10 months. My routine ended very abruptly one day when I snapped, yes, just snapped. I had no reason for it but I just did. I couldn’t take the reason for the war anymore I guess. We were shooting at each other over miss spoken words that could have been fixed with words. But no everything is fixed better with guns and death, especially broken honour. Yes, an entire war was started because one side said that they want the oil and the other said Yes, oh, wait no. An argument ensued where one side said that because that was what the other said first, they could take the oil and the other side said no the other side couldn’t because they couldn’t. This meant…..

Fuck, I’m digressing again. Anyway when I snapped I turned and told my direct commander that his entire religion was bullshit before stalking off and finding the general and telling him all sorts of blasphemy. He of course became enraged and almost had me executed on the spot. The man however to one side told him that they couldn’t kill any of our own. So in the deafening silence that quickly ran past the general decided to send me to a little known hole in the middle of a desert to live out my days, to be forever known as prisoner 775.

As I’m sure your all wondering, why Andrew was sent away for something as a small as telling someone there religion didn’t make sense. To that I can only answer, its just part of your human condition, so ask yourself the question.

I did however miss one piece in this story. The wish, yes it wasn’t stated anywhere so don’t go looking. Andrew didn’t know it himself but I do know what his wish was. It was for a place where all could be equal, where all could find peace and prosperity for themselves. That was his goal one that he didn’t know or achieve but one that he wished for in his dreams.

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